The Morning Habits of Successful People

Regardless of your job role, establishing a positive morning routine can make the difference between a great day and one that’s well – BLAH. Leading figures including US Presidents, Talk Show hosts and even Special Forces soldiers all have these simple traits in common when it comes to a morning routine. These people rely on their morning routines to make their day more efficient because it takes away the decision making process.

Develop habits. Regardless of what it is create a routine in the morning and stick to it. Whether it involves your kids, like a school run, or a trip to the gym. Even what you eat for breakfast can become a habit, hopefully a healthy one. Admiral William McRaven of US Special Forces teaches his soldiers to make their bed first thing in the morning which establishes a quick win first thing which then leads to other positive outcomes later on in the day, which as a soldier can be very important.

Exercise. Working out first thing in the morning can be beneficial in many ways. Oprah swears by her morning workouts. So does former US President Barak Obama. Not only does it activate your body and mind but it also releases adrenalin and endorphins early in the day which can make you more productive in the office. The other benefit is that by getting your workout done early there is less likelihood that you’ll miss it through other distractions later in the day.

Practice gratitude. Many people (Oprah again) take time early in the day to sit and have some quiet time and mentally go through what they’re grateful for in life. It can be as simple as being thankful for family members or pets. It can also include just remembering the things that you’re passionate about along with the inherent gifts that you have. Simple but very effective.

Get sunlight in your eyes. This may sound obvious, as it will help to wake you up and make you feel alert, but it also has another important reason – it sets your biological clock. Light in your eyes early in the day tells your brain that its morning which in turn will help you fall asleep at a good time the next evening. This leads to a better night’s sleep which will result in you being properly rested and feeling much better the following morning.

Take a cold shower. As painful as it sounds a cold shower in the morning will not only wake you up but it will also increase the amount of noradrenaline and dopamine in your brain. These chemicals make you feel alert and motivated which can give you a real boost at the start of the day. Cold showers have also been shown to boost your white blood cell count which is a key component of your immune system.

So there you have it, five simple habits, which pretty much anyone can use to make their days more successful. You don’t need to try them all, and certainly not all at once, but pick one you think will work for you and implement it today.
