Delivering High Quality Customer Service

In this short guide we’re going to explore a handful of ways that you can Wow your customers with high quality customer service. Unhappy customers are not good for business and can have a serious detrimental effect on the bottom line of your business. The old adage goes something like… “It’s much cheaper to keep an existing customer than it is to acquire a new one.” This is often looked at from a marketing perspective but it’s equally true about the quality of your customer service.

The first tip is to simply listen to your customers. This could be through a simple survey or a follow up phone call but it equally could be reading between the lines of what they say or equally understanding what they don’t say. Do your customers ask for things or do they make certain comments. What can you deduce from this? What can you change straight away to improve how they interact with your company?

Simple add ons to your core service always impress customers. We try to put in amazing cafes with food and drinks that Wow our customers and keep their team members happy. We also ensure we provide the highest quality internet at all of our locations because is vitally important for most businesses in this day and age.

Another tip is to train your team well. By providing specific training for your team on customer service and getting buy in from your staff with regards to customer satisfaction can have huge potential gains. Businesses like Disney and Apple are world famous for their customer service, partly due to the extensive training they give your staff. While you might not have Disney’s training budget you can always make time for a short workshop where you take your staff members through some simple steps they can take to improve the customer experience.

Along with training your current staff and particularly new employees, it is equally important that you get rid of staff that may be jeopardizing your customer service either deliberately by ignoring what you say or inadvertently because of their attitude. Having the wrong people on your team can be just as detrimental as not having enough of the right people.

Finally, we recommend that you invest in your customer service product. Have a budget for it just like you would marketing and advertising. If you’re concerned about a return on investment (ROI), which you should be, then you can count all of the referrals you start getting and what their custom brings to you in order to justify the spend. When you’re regularly getting high quality referrals from very happy customers, then you’ll easily be able to justify spending more money on even better customer service.

In this article we’ve explained the importance of customer service and ways to implement it. With a bit of thought and planning and a solid commitment to the execution of a plan you too can provide a world class experience for your customers alongside companies like Disney and Apple.
